Video 19 minutes Audio Ali from Iran met Carlos from Columbia in a world religions class in the United States, and they became friends. They had dinner together every evening, and they would discuss topics, sometimes for several days in a row. They were assigned to read Jesus’ “Sermon on …
Know anyone who is grieving?
Video Audio A tender-hearted girl, her tender-hearted father, and her tender-hearted grandmother, were all sensitive and responsive to human need. And they led the family in doing things together when they would notice when a neighbor or friend or stranger would have a particular …
Got purity of heart?
Two girls grew up reading books on the lives of the saints, and they each wanted to devote their lives to the love of God. As they moved through adolescence, they both went through the normal struggles, but the first one became less active in her spiritual life, while the second became devout in a …
Forgiveness and consequences
Video Audio In order to have the fullest, most satisfying experience of forgiveness, consider that forgiveness is an expression of the divine attitude of mercy. That attitude motivates whatever process may wisely be involved in making forgiveness real. Mercy is love applied to …
Love, purpose, and the opioid crisis
Video (13 minutes) Audio file Regarding the opioid crisis, I had read about pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, lawmakers, and others, but nothing about the lack of a sense of purpose in brothers and sisters who knowingly abuse dangerous drugs. I understand that hopelessness arises from …
The faith of an adult child
Would you like to watch the 13:39-minute video? Or listen to the podcast episode? We enter the family of God with the faith of a little child, but that faith lacks the discernment and power of the faith of the adult child. When the thicket of problems becomes too difficult for our tools, when …