A few friends have told me that once in their lives they heard, unmistakably heard, the voice of God speak to them. Clear as day, not a muffled whisper, let alone an impressive phenomenon of mind. I had one of those experiences, too. At a critical time in my life, from the nucleus of my being came the divine voice saying “I love you.” God’s “I love you” is communicated to each of us each day, by virtue of the very presence of the Father’s spirit gift of love dwelling within us. I do not know whether I will ever again hear this voice so clearly and distinctly in this life; but I have made up my mind to listen more. I believe that the spirit of God within me is trying to communicate to me through the thickness of my material mind. I believe that God has a message every day, maybe every hour and every minute for every individual. I believe that God also has messages for our world. And I believe that that if we have the supreme desire to do so, we can develop our capacity of receptivity and achieve better communication with his spirit within us.
So today I started anew. I realized that I had spent too much time praying for myself, so I tried to imagine what God might want to communicate to our world. I tried to attune to possibilities, to get my mind up to speed, with enough rpm, revolutions per minute, to come closer to synchronizing with the wavelength of the divine broadcast. During my morning communion time, I found myself becoming more attentive, for longer, and able to return to my attentiveness after my mind had wandered for a while. I discerned nothing. But I counted the improved attentiveness as success.
Here are my imaginings.
Enjoy the privilege of cooperating in the cosmic process of evolution that reaches out from Paradise perfection with divine truth, beauty, and goodness; love, mercy, and ministry; and justice, power, and sovereignty.
The unsettled condition of your world is a prelude to a magnificent destiny in which every person’s right to say yes or no to God is upheld. In that settled condition, the life of truth and the light of the spirit will reign supreme.
God’s mercy allows sinners abundant opportunities to turn from their harmful ways.
Behind the scenes, powerful forces of the kingdom of God operate, especially in times of crisis, to limit the destructiveness of our blunders in world management. The true gospel of Jesus, the core spiritual truth that he lived and proclaimed, will one day rule this very world.
The rebellion against God is expressed by the denial of the reality of God and by deliberate disobedience to the will of God. We glimpse the rebellion in the Genesis story of the devil ensnaring Adam and Eve, and failing to ensnare Jesus of Nazareth during the temptation in the wilderness. Glimpses may be found in other scriptures as well. That rebellion is destroying itself by its very outworking. Hardened rebels against the kingdom of God who forever and finally reject divine mercy are eventually brought to judgment and annihilated. It is our privilege to reach out to today’s souls who are lost, hurt, torn, or rebellious, so that they may know the goodness of God and find their true home in his family.
And finally, this is the whole duty of man: To love God with all our heart, and with all our mind, and with all our soul, and with all our strength. And to love the neighbor as oneself.
Photo credit: By Bill Branson (Photographer) https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24047536
I realize that each individual is unique and their relationship with God is also unique. I would like to share my take on What God is saying to our world and saying to each of us.
You can’t transform the whole without transforming the parts.
1. Jesus said that if we love each other, then the world would know that we are his disciples.
2. Jesus said he stood at the door of our hearts knocking, and that if we would open the door and invite him in, he would sup(fellowship) with us.
3. Jesus said that He and the Father are one, and that no one comes to the Father except thought him.
4. Jesus said that he was the way, the truth, and the life.
5. Jesus said that if we kept his command to love one another as he loves us, he and the Father would come and abide with us.
6. Jesus said the Spirit of Truth (his spirit) would lead us into all truth.
Therefor based upon the validity of those truths, I would derive these further truths. The divine spirit is living within believers. Because we are his evolutionary spiritual children, the divine spirit is constantly trying to elevate our thoughts to the level where we can enjoy perfected communication with him, can fully realize the divine nature. As our thoughts approach oneness with the thoughts of the divine spirit, perfected communication of truth meanings flow. This is the function of the Spirit of Truth leading us into all truth.
The divine spirit is constantly attempting communication with us through the constant urge to love our brothers and sisters. We feel the outward pressure of this urge as the desire to regard others with unselfish affection and good will. When we allow this urge of the Father’s love to pass through our souls, immediately the meanings of this divine value spill over into our minds, and we realize the truth contained within. Thus has spiritual communication taken place.
The Father is desirous of us allowing the divine nature to manifest itself through us as was demonstrated by his Son when he took on the form of humanity. This allowing the divine nature to manifest itself through us is eternal life and is also the doing of the Father’s will.
Also in supreme moments of spiritual import, such as bearing witness to the truth in a supreme crisis, the Father will use our minds and speak through us. The Spirit of Truth will shape the words so that the truth perfectly rides the vehicle of verbal expression.
God is saying to each of us “be perfect even as he is perfect.” If we heed this injunction, the world will also become perfected since the parts make up the whole. We can and will one day have heaven on earth.
Finally all that is needed for these great spiritual experiences to take place is our living faith and our willingness to abide by the law of love, the Father’s will.
Dr. Perry