Ungainly flapping. Only in mercy so thick could I take flight. Heavy heron wings, moving slowly—why would any flock of birds follow? Yet I fly to you unconcerned. By you, with you, and in you, I dive into the water, having glimpsed a fish and heard: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” No owl, I; but after wisdom-prowling long before the dawn, I turn toward sleep, open my beak, and the unmusical cry sounds forth. You still my mind. As the gentle cloud of peace comes over me, you still my fear of an ugly stirring as a dream takes wing. Friendly universe that embraces the fledgling! I will trust my self to this stillness. And now–a new and timely now–alert, refreshed, and calm, I give thanks for the night’s rest, and feed your young.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cocoi_Heron_(Ardea_cocoi)_-_Flickr_-_Lip_Kee_(1).jpg[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5180914/height/0/width/0/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”” width=””]
sweet and beautiful
Luix, this comment is especially meaningful from you, a poetic spiritual teacher.
Dearest Jeff,
Your words cry out to my mind, soar and sing into my heart, then, following silence, settle and nestle deeply into my soul.
Thank you for blessing me this day,
Wonderful poetic and true words, Jeff! Have a beautiful weekend! A restful night many times calms the evening thoughts of the day before. Awaken rested and ready to begin the new gift of another day!
Nice to hear a message straight from the soul expressed so beautifully. Thanks for sharing.
Dr. Perry