Last week I heard the American Boychoir perform “The Quiet Sea,” which I found very moving. May I suggest that you listen first to a recording (by a different group):
Next, look at the lyrics:
Now you have this extraordinary song. It starts with a spiritual voyage on a quiet sea. Then come storms that make the quiet sea unfindable . . . but . . . it is there. The drama of the song and its profound lesson strike me as spiritually very advanced; and yet it is accessible to children in primary and middle school and to audiences of any age.
What must it be like for a young person to learn that song by heart, rehearse it as a group, and perform it all over the country!
Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, conductor and artistic director, explained that the American Boychoir School, founded in 1937, exists to educate the boys and cultivate their character, teaching them to face life’s challenges, all the while inspiring the world with their voices. The pervading theme was expressed by the song, “How can I keep from singing?”—presented stanza by stanza at intervals throughout their concert. Those stanzas express in various ways the thought that song is so deep within that no matter is going on in our world and in their lives, they cannot keep from singing. That is the main spiritual lesson that pervaded the entire concert and the choir. If we allow ourselves to take the idea of singing metaphorically as well as literally, I cannot think of a more appropriate theme song for our lives today. We learned during the concert that these boys naturally sing most of the time. Any boys in the audience who really like to sing were invited to come to the piano immediately after the concert for an audition.
By the way, in case you are so moved, the American Boy Choir is much in need of funds. Last year they filed for bankruptcy and were able to restructure with a new campus, a new financial model, and a new strategic plan.
Photo credit.
What a beautiful song so rich with spiritual meanings and inspiration. Yes, it is good to be reminded that no matter the storms of life, there is a place where the raging storms can not reach. It is always there even though we may become so hard pressed by the rapidly changing events of life that we fail to realize it. But still whether we realize it or not it remains there, providing shelter for our souls, comforting our souls, and inspiring our faith to “just trust Him.”
Those children are truly blessed, though the depth of the meanings may vary depending upon their spiritual perception which is often linked to experience. But still, I would have loved to have been apart of such a group when I was growing up, but singing is not my forte. Nevertheless, I can still appreciate a good song by those who are blessed with the voice to express such inspiring thoughts in song.
Thanks Jeff for sharing this uplifting and inspiring blog.
Dr. Perry
And thank you Dr. Perry, for letting me know that someone out there took the time to listen to the song and read the lyrics. In teamwork,
What a beautiful song so rich with spiritual meanings and inspiration. Yes, it is good to be reminded that no matter the storms of life, there is a place where the raging storms can not reach. It is always there even though we may become so hard pressed by the rapidly changing events of life that we fail to realize it. But still whether we realize it or not it remains there, providing shelter for our souls, comforting our souls, and inspiring our faith to “just trust Him.”
Those children are truly blessed, though the depth of the meanings may vary depending upon their spiritual perception which is often linked to experience. But still, I would have loved to have been apart of such a group when I was growing up, but singing is not my forte. Nevertheless, I can still appreciate a good song by those who are blessed with the voice to express such inspiring thoughts in song.
Thanks Jeff for sharing this uplifting and inspiring blog.
Dr. Perry
And thank you Dr. Perry, for letting me know that someone out there took the time to listen to the song and read the lyrics. In teamwork,