Beyond the urge to exhort, assured rejoicing unveils a partial glimpse of the mosaic of world history from origin to destiny. Here: this world, hemisphere, continent, this place. Now: this age, this life, this generation, this day. The natural friendliness of living prophets replaces subterranean panic. Their relaxed laughter opens the heart. The future greets us in those who see the coming of a new sunrise, those ambassadors of the future, those men and women who already are the transformation of the coming spiritual renaissance. Sage idealism joins scientific realism. Knowing history more, we find a wiser path. This is the day which the Lord has made!
Wikipedia, Christ Pantocrator Mosaic from the Hagia Sophia[podcast src=”” height=”360″ width=”450″]
It appears that our society is caught up in a crisis that involves all sectors of it, and there is a temptation to call forth “the man on the horse” who can solve all of our problems. But surrendering democracy to a dictator has never solved anything except to sow the seeds for even greater crisis.
Not only do crisis poise the threat of retrogression, it also poises the promise of progression. We must get use to the reality of crisis; they will be ever forthcoming as long as we remain incomplete, not only within our selves, but within the environment in which we live.
Civilizations have come and gone, but on the whole civilizations have moved forward. We have arrived at a place in our development where we have become comfortable for the most part and would like to remain in that state, but such a desire can never be realized, for we must continue to move forward. If we do not do it voluntarily, then it will be forced upon us, just such a situation as we are experiencing now.
But be of good cheer, there is no need to fear. The forward motion of progress will eventually usher in a day when we shall really bask in the sunshine of completion. But in the meantime, we should remember that no new day occurs without the night preceding it.
Dr. Perry
I’m inspired by your lucid perspective, given your daily health struggle. You have an eternal Now of daylight sunshine in your soul.