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We enter the family of God with the faith of a little child, but that faith lacks the discernment and power of the faith of the adult child. When the thicket of problems becomes too difficult for our tools, when our resistance to the divine way or the earthly obstacles to our living the will of God mount up, then our faith moves from receptive mode to active mode–wholehearted adult faith. There’s the power to overcome self-doubt. God does so much for us, but we alone must make the decisions that launch action. Let’s go for it! In doing so, we gain the assurance that we need of the truth of faith. The soul knows.
Photo credit: Sam Luce at Samluce.com https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475503572774-15a45e5d60b9?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1350&q=80
Thank you, dear Jeff.
Thank you, especially, for recognizing and giving voice to our resistances and the obstacles that are in and all around us. For encouraging us to use our adult faith to meet and greet and negotiate our way through them.
A call to worship. To the self-forgetting. So that we can recharge and resist our tendencies to be weakened or overwhelmed.
I love you, my brother~friend.
I am most grateful for your generosity and sincerity.
Needed that today, Susan. Thanks.