Today I recommend the 7:33 video. Here’s the audio file.
The family of God is like a man who had horses and trained the young ones to carry a rider by taking them out and whenever they were frightened, he would stop turn around, get off the horse, and allow the horse to become fully acquainted and comfortable with whatever had triggered the fear reaction.
The law of God is like a kind policeman who comes to the primary school to explain some safety rules to the children.
The love of God may be seen in the previous two parables.
The unfolding may be seen in the experience of the horse whose mistaken perception could be corrected by taking as much time as needed in order to understand and feel comfortable with whatever it was. Our human inquiry explores what it was outside of us and what it was inside of us that interfered with insightful intuition.
Image credit: William Blake, The Ancient of Days
Jesus photograph (video) given by Diane Labrecque, acquired in 2013 from Brother Elijah of the Apostles of God in Italy.