We know we need to receive God’s love, but sometimes we don’t make the time or don’t know how. The simplest way is to accept the personal assurance: God is love, and his spirit gift lives within you. A longer way: we know God, and we can activate our God-knowingness. We can also ponder the meaning of love, different types of love, and the truth that God is spirit.
Photo credit: Raphaël Quinet, Liège, Belgium. Raspberry on child’s hand. Wikimedia commons[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5152111/height/0/width/0/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”” width=””]
We are all God’s children and he loves each and everyone of us. His spirit lives within us constantly revealing this love to us. His love is the source of that drive that causes us to face insurmountable challenges at times; it is the urge that says, “keep going.”
It is true that we don’t always realize and appreciate this divine affection. Like small children who don’t always appreciate the affection that our earthly parents have for us, we thus find ourselves spiritually. But whether we appreciate and realize this love, the heavenly Father still loves us.
We can not see the air that we breathe, but it Is impossible to live without it. So it is with the spiritual Father, we can not see his love, but it is impossible to live spiritually without it.
It is true that this love can be activated, and we can consciously experience it as it flows through us to our spiritual brothers and sisters.
Dr. Perry
We are all God’s children and he loves each and everyone of us. His spirit lives within us constantly revealing this love to us. His love is the source of that drive that causes us to face insurmountable challenges at times; it is the urge that says, “keep going.”
It is true that we don’t always realize and appreciate this divine affection. Like small children who don’t always appreciate the affection that our earthly parents have for us, we thus find ourselves spiritually. But whether we appreciate and realize this love, the heavenly Father still loves us.
We can not see the air that we breathe, but it Is impossible to live without it. So it is with the spiritual Father, we can not see his love, but it is impossible to live spiritually without it.
It is true that this love can be activated, and we can consciously experience it as it flows through us to our spiritual brothers and sisters.
Dr. Perry