A student in a philosophy class responded to a classroom assignment to take on a personal growth project, and he cleaned himself up from addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and hard drugs. By the end of class, his self-respect had taken a big step forward.
Self-respect, or the lack of it, often seems to depend on external factors. Or they can be deeper, as we consider our body-and-mind systems in terms of their pluses and minuses. But what happens to self-respect when we pursue ideals that are divine, spiritual, and eternal? And in the light of that change, what happens to our relationships with others when we practice the golden rule and treat others the way we want others to treat us?
Watch the 7:36 video or listen to the audio file.
Image credit: open source, Albrecht Durer, The Clergyman
Samuel H. Kress Collection, the National Gallery of Art