Religious folks sometimes become divided over “culture-war”-type debates, such as the debates regarding gender. Different “sides” emphasize different values, and confusion is common. To make peace, it helps to make a philosophical distinction between (1) our spiritual equality as infinitely loved, profoundly respected children of God and (2) ongoing scientific and ethical inquiries regarding how to respond to children and teens, for example, who say “I’m in the wrong body.”
If we do not make this distinction, we can fall into the error of regarding those on “the other side” as unspiritual. In a religious context is essential that our freedom is connected with our quest to find and do the will of God. The Creator who made us male and female—and saw that it was good—gave us the power to make choices, wise and unwise. These essential religious affirmations leave open scientific and moral questions—as is true in so many areas.
If we can affirm each other as equally and infinitely loved children of God, we can show the rest of society how to keep differences from dividing us.
Watch the 8:48 video or listen to the audio file.
Photo credit: DRC Kinshasa 29/05/13 International Peacekeeping Day. Photo MONUSCO/ Myriam Asmani, found on Wikimedia Commons 12.20.19 (heading UN Peacekeepers) CC BY-SA 2.0