Liberation. This word makes some people think of social, economic, and political difficulties connected with planetary reorganization. But those difficulties contain within them spiritual difficulties; and if we can gain liberation from these spiritual difficulties, then we will be able to manage the other difficulties much better.
Spiritual difficulties include inner resistance to the new life in the spirit–our insecurities, anxieties, addictions, unbeautiful attitudes toward self and others, getting caught up in the self-centered and materialistic pursuits of money, power, and sex. Or spiritual difficulties can be external, factors beyond our control, such as an irreversible disease. Spiritual liberation does not require a miraculous cure, but it does require that we not be oppressed in the inner life by what we cannot change.
Think of a time in your life when you drew on power you didn’t know you had. It was simply there when you needed it.
In order to gain liberation, it is necessary to use spiritual force. We can get this in two ways. First, we can realize that being a child of God in faith brings with it the power to overcome obstacles. Spiritual force is spiritual power as applied to material difficulties. Second, we can do like the one-year-old girl across the street. Whenever she wants to be picked up by her very tall daddy, she goes up to him, raises up both of her arms, and is promptly picked up. This behavior is so dependable that she has no doubt. She is not asking, let alone begging. She simply reaches up for what she knows is waiting for her.
In the same way we can go to God in complete trust in his goodness, ready to for us to take the gifts that have been waiting for us.
Spiritual liberation: from inner resistance and earthly obstacles, by the use of spiritual force, breaking through to the new life in God.
Thank you Jeff.
I love the little girl raising her arms to be picked by her daddy.