The family of God is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man discovered. And in his joy, he sold everything so that he could buy the field.
The family of God is also like a merchant who went searching for pearls, and when he found the most beautiful one and also the most expensive, he sold everything he had in order to buy it.
Discovering the treasure is finding God.
The merchant goes forth searching for truth, and finds beautiful gems here and there. And then finds Jesus.
You can live within these parables. As you do so, you will find your own interpretations of the field and what it means to sell everything.
Here is the 2-minute video and the audio file.
Image credit: Image by Kreuzschnabel/Wikimedia Commons, License: artlibre
English: Wheat field in Baden-Württemberg, after heavy rain partially flat
Deutsch: Feld in Baden-Württemberg, nach heftigem Regen teilweise platt