God is within you.
Here are four thought bundles designed to help you realize this truth more fully.
8-minute video. I’m taking a class to help me make videos (the audio file comes from that). This is my first video for the class, and I look forward to the evolution on a variety of fronts as I am able to put into practice what I am learning. Here’s the Audio file
God is within you.
Many people have heard or read the thought that God is within you, but they have never seriously thought that they themselves, as an individual personality, have God within. There is a tendency to hear that familiar idea and to think of oneself as merely an anonymous member of an anonymous mass of people. Today I want you to take the time to let it sink in that God is within you, as an individual personality.
God is within you
That God is within you has many meanings, but the one that I’m going to bring forward today is that you can experience God. In order to do this, say to yourself, “God is within me.” This may simply be an intellectual belief that you hold. But take this belief now and gradually move it from a flat idea of the mind to a wholehearted belief. Once the belief is wholehearted, it comes up to the level of faith, which truly makes a difference in our lives. In case you do not believe this statement, you are welcome to contact me at UniversalFamily.org, and we can have a conversation about that.
God is within you
When we pronounce this sentence placing emphasis on the verb to be, we are saying the affirmation with assurance. It is like the first beatitude in the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 5.3). Someone is seeking entrance into the kingdom of God, the spiritual family of God—with humility. (That’s the meaning in Aramaic, the language in which Jesus originally taught it; literally translated from the Greek, we read, “poor in spirit.”) The simple turning to Jesus or God and humbly wanting to be part of the spiritual family is enough. The faith and trusting dependence of a little child is alive in that seeking . . . and the assurance comes. Happy are the humble, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Knowing that you are saved by faith brings peace to your soul. Once we are established by faith in the spiritual family of God, we are ready happily to embrace other divine assurances.
God is within you
I am usually careful about how I interpret things, but sometimes I take this care to extremes. I have thought that it is not exactly God, but the spirit of God, or something that is of God or sent from God that is within me; and with these thoughts I have held on to the idea of God as outside me. Finally, I realized. It is God himself, the loving Creator, who is within me. Then I could feel for the first time the beauty and power of this truth.
Photo credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ethiopia_(3403414793).jpg Author: Steve Evans from Citizen of the World
We MUST participate in the evolutionary process so lets follow along.
We MUST participate in the evolutionary process so lets follow along.