To bolster a positive attitude toward the universe, we consider how physics supports life.
Life as we know it requires a universe in which basic physical constants must be very precisely what they are; slight deviations would make life impossible. It is as though Creative Intelligence “fine-tuned” four basic forces. Gravitation is just strong enough to hold galaxies together and weak enough to allow the universe to expand. The strong nuclear force is strong enough to bind together the protons and neutrons in an atom, but its range is limited; it does not keep electrons so close to the nucleus that there would be no atoms with electrons far enough from the nucleus to combine with other atoms. The weak nuclear force slows down the rate at which stars burn their hydrogen, so that stars last long enough for life to evolve. The electromagnetic force holds electrons in their precise orbits, so that atoms can bond with other atoms to form molecules.
Fine tuning seems apparent in the way that the properties of water fit the requirements of life. Water covers three-quarters of the earth and makes up 90% of our body mass. It stores heat and helps maintain the temperature equilibrium required for planetary life, both in the individual organism and in the environment. When an animal perspires and the water evaporates, the heat carried off with the vapor brings efficient cooling to the skin. Unlike other liquids, water expands when it freezes, and so, because ice is less dense than its liquid form, it floats. In the winter, ice on lakes and rivers insulates the deeper water from heat loss and thus protects marine life, without which no organism could exist. Water vapor, finally, is one of the atmospheric devices for filtering out harmful radiation from the spectrum of radiation that the sun pours forth, and for transmitting just the wavelengths that life requires.
Even if we understand that science neither proves nor disproves the existence of God, we may see natural phenomena that seem designed. Any examples?
IMG 5248 by Sgarton
Even though science can not prove the existence of God; they can not disprove his existence. But the integration of such complexity so said that it can be understood by observation, study, reasoning and logic surely suggest a design. And design surely points in the direction of mind. The laws of chance no matter how long one observes them does not produce phenomenon that are controlled by precise laws, quantum effects notwithstanding which appear to exist on another level which we are just exploring.
The incredible integration of the living human organism which undergoes thousand of chemical reactions constantly that do not interfere with each other indicates design and thus mind functioning. Chaos does not produce order without the order producing effects of mind. And though evolution may be the process where life advances from the simple to the complex, that is only one phase of the process; the other phase of the process is that through and all of these gradual changes in the evolutionary process, there is a design that mind sponsors. The fact that such mind may be operating on a level that is beyond our comprehension does not in the least disprove the fact of mind operating. The phenomenon of our having mind and thus being able to use these minds in comprehending the physical universe in and of itself suggest a greater mind as the source of our humble minds. The observer must be above the object that is being observed. The cause must be greater than the effect that is caused. I think that the inability to tolerate a concept of truth alongside that of fact is the reason why philosophy can not construct a satisfying concept of the universe and all the phenomenon that we observe, including the phenomenon of life.
James Perry
Your long experience as a physician living with truth enables you to contribute to a new philosophy that can tolerate both truth and fact.
Even though science can not prove the existence of God; they can not disprove his existence. But the integration of such complexity so said that it can be understood by observation, study, reasoning and logic surely suggest a design. And design surely points in the direction of mind. The laws of chance no matter how long one observes them does not produce phenomenon that are controlled by precise laws, quantum effects notwithstanding which appear to exist on another level which we are just exploring.
The incredible integration of the living human organism which undergoes thousand of chemical reactions constantly that do not interfere with each other indicates design and thus mind functioning. Chaos does not produce order without the order producing effects of mind. And though evolution may be the process where life advances from the simple to the complex, that is only one phase of the process; the other phase of the process is that through and all of these gradual changes in the evolutionary process, there is a design that mind sponsors. The fact that such mind may be operating on a level that is beyond our comprehension does not in the least disprove the fact of mind operating. The phenomenon of our having mind and thus being able to use these minds in comprehending the physical universe in and of itself suggest a greater mind as the source of our humble minds. The observer must be above the object that is being observed. The cause must be greater than the effect that is caused. I think that the inability to tolerate a concept of truth alongside that of fact is the reason why philosophy can not construct a satisfying concept of the universe and all the phenomenon that we observe, including the phenomenon of life.
James Perry
Your long experience as a physician living with truth enables you to contribute to a new philosophy that can tolerate both truth and fact.