Perception makes it possible for rocks and trees to present themselves to our consciousness.
Thinking makes it possible for ideas and other minds to present themselves to our mind.
And faith opens us so that spiritual truths and spirit beings can present themselves for recognition and relationship.
Perception is the evidence of things visible.
Understanding is the evidence of wisdom and logic.
And faith is the evidence of spirit realities.
On each level, we have to get in gear to function. On each level, that which is beyond the self becomes present to the self through our exercise of inherent human capacities.
On each level, there is a learning process, which continues throughout this lifetime and possibly beyond. Keen perception acquires knowledge. Quality thinking gains wisdom. And strong faith enters the realm of truth and love with a power that unfolds beautifully.
The young child puts its fingers around the parent’s fingers. If the child was making a defiant fist, that couldn’t happen.
Only the faith and trusting dependence of a little child allows us to begin to recognize God as our Father. The heavenly Parent cannot reveal himself to us as such if we refuse to enter the attitude of child-like faith.
We can regard the spiritual realm as a higher level, but faith involves the whole person; and it operates from the core of our being.
Faith is a gift from God. Everyone gets some. We can work with it or walk away from it.
When we are given a glimpse of spiritual truth, in order to truly receive that gift, we need to receive it, accept it, take it into ourselves, make it our own. That is how faith receives truth. We want to be that truth as fully as possible. And we become that truth by our decisions to act on it. Thus, faith becomes active.
The spirit of God is within us. But unless we mobilize faith and wholeheartedly receive that gift with hospitality, how shall we develop our spiritual awareness?
God has faith in us—that we can host the gift of his spirit presence and become like him by following the path of love. And we can have faith in others, too. This does not mean trusting a stranger with your purse or wallet. But it does mean a quality of basic, person-to-person trust that is worthy of who we truly are—brothers and sisters in the family of God.
We want to be with God, not feel isolated in the universe, not consigning ourselves to die in some cosmic recycling facility. We want a life filled with meaning and value and purpose. All those blessings, present and future, are available by faith. But a living faith is a growing faith. And sometimes the next step is difficult. Learning today’s lessons prepares us for tomorrow.
May we join in giving thanks for the gift of faith and for the challenges that invite our faith to grow?
Photo credit: manos1: lisafanucci:
Thank you Jeffrey. It’s wonderful to receive these words of wisdom from you. We need the “healing salt” real philosophers in this age of outward turmoil.
Thank you Jeffrey. It’s wonderful to receive these words of wisdom from you. We need the “healing salt” real philosophers in this age of outward turmoil.
What a wonderful post! Thanks so much Jeff.
What a wonderful post! Thanks so much Jeff.
Oh! Jeff, Truth, beautifully written. In Heaven there are so many things to learn and do, but as you state, learning never ceases on earth! Praise God Our Heavenly Father for sending The Lamb, His Only Begotten Son… humility, grace, The Way, The Truth, and The Life… beyond words, our Life and our Resurrection! Gentleness, Love, and Mercy…ever so meek and humble.
Oh! Jeff, Truth, beautifully written. In Heaven there are so many things to learn and do, but as you state, learning never ceases on earth! Praise God Our Heavenly Father for sending The Lamb, His Only Begotten Son… humility, grace, The Way, The Truth, and The Life… beyond words, our Life and our Resurrection! Gentleness, Love, and Mercy…ever so meek and humble.