We need on ramps to love. Sometimes love is flowing and sometimes not. We find some people hard to love. When we’re in a hurry, any tendency to spiritual blindness increases. And how many of us have learned to step aside from the hurry in the face of all the crisis aspects of modern life? To love …
From emotion through value to worship
From sweets to saints, various attractions fill the mind. Diverse values activate emotional responses that are sometimes disordered. A lesson from psychology helps us order our value-responses gloriously. Barbara Fredrickson is a psychologist specializing in the experimental study of positive …
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Finding new frontiers in spiritual experience
For the experiential component of my world religions classes, the first project was to get in touch with “your wonderfulness within.” I made it clear that this is better known as the spirit of God within, and has different names and interpretations in various religions and secular psychologies. For …
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