When I think of the hard problems we are dealing with on this planet, I ask how the divine light that shines through the clouds is going to work its way into the eventual triumph of the way of truth and love. I am convinced that we have a historic opportunity to learn to know and love our …
Dying, Bach’s B minor Mass, and Dr. Perry’s answered prayer
Dr. Perry On December 22 when I posted the moving story of Taitetsu Unno’s ministry to the woman in the hospital, I did not know that he had died a few days earlier. Mark Unno, his equally brilliant and accomplished son, also a philosopher and Shin Buddhist priest, told me that during his …
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Dying, Bach’s B minor Mass, and Dr. Perry’s answered prayer
Dr. Perry On December 22 when I posted the moving story of Taitetsu Unno’s ministry to the woman in the hospital, I did not know that he had died a few days earlier. Mark Unno, his equally brilliant and accomplished son, also a philosopher and Shin Buddhist priest, told me that during his …
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What happened to spirit and spiritual experience during the first 2300 years of Western philosophy?
Rafael, The School of Athens Here are a few highlights from the history of philosophy showing an interesting variety of views regarding spiritual experience. Heraclitus around 500 BCE wrote that the god [daimon, indwelling divine spirit] is home [ethos] for a human being. Then Parmenides around 475 …
Three types of religion: self-interested, intrinsic, and adventure (with Gandhi quotes)
What’s the evidence that religion makes a difference in a person’s level of altruism? Pretty slim, depending how religion is defined. People who go through the motions of being religious but are basically motivated by self-interest . . . well, what do you think? Right. No difference between external …
Christmas letter: meaning, value, and family news
Wise men still seek him--and find him. Beloveds, (This is a short form for my mantra: You are a divinely created, infinitely loved, spiritually indwelt, evolutionary, free-will, son or daughter of God!) Christmas—for so many of us, a holiday brimming with meaning and value. It is also a great time …
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