I’m teaching a class right now. It has a prerequisite. You have to be at least 75 years old to be admitted. To be honest, I’m loose with this requirement, and there are a few in the group who are younger than that—but I make sure that they never add life to the discussion by saying …
A leader’s legacy
When Jesus gathered together with the apostles for his last supper with them, he knew that his time was short. But there was more that he wanted to do with them and teach them. The majority of his teachings came in what is called the farewell discourse. In it he took his full gospel—both his …
Jesus tried
When Jesus began to proclaim his original saving message, it focused on the kingdom of God and the family of God. You enter the kingdom of God with the simple and humble faith of a little child, thereby becoming part of God’s family of faith. This is how you are born again to start the new life in …
Jesus, the master wheelwright
Civilization is a wagon train, and Jesus is the master wheelwright. A wheelwright is a person who makes or repairs wooden wheels. I am thinking of the covered wagons that were used used in North America during the 18th and 19th centuries. A wheelwright would use elm for the hub, oak for the …
Mary Magdalene finds herself after rough times
What would have happened to Mary Magdalene after she met Jesus? What would have happened to her self-respect, her confidence in her intuition, and her soul? Watch the 12:10 video or listen to the audio file. Image credit: Christ Appears to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection. William Etty, …
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Let’s be Jesus’ sibs
There are times when following Jesus is wonderful. Take a few minutes to think of one of those times. Where were you? What was going on? What was your experience? When you are ready, share it with a partner. Watch the 15:02 video or listen to the audio file. Now think of a time when following …