Truth, beauty, and goodness are universal and local, timeless and timely, celebrated and longed-for. They are qualities of God and values that we can live. Based on these concepts, a new philosophy of living is emerging. Living in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness is the fruit of an entire academic career. Each chapter was tested in classes for beginners; students did experiential projects to adjust and apply these concepts to major growth issues in their lives. Each chapter provides how-to basics, relevant wisdom from Darwin, Socrates, Jesus, Bach, and others, plus an inspiring student experience report.
Living in Truth, Beauty, and Goodness captures the treasures of a life of discovery and a career of teaching mostly freshmen and sophomores in courses on world religions, introduction to philosophy, aesthetics, and ethics. See the method of experiential, project-centered inquiry into meaning and value. 3000 students did these projects, most tackled their front-burner issue, their number one growth challenge, and an estimated two-thirds had transformative experiences; 10% tried to stay under the radar; and the rest reported having had a positive experience overall. And over fifteen years, only a handful of protests about the adventure. The book has much to interest academics, but it is primarily intended for the general reader.
The seven main chapters cover science, philosophy, spiritual experience, beauties of nature and the arts, morality, and character. Each chapter features a world-class leader whose life exemplifies virtues that we can acquire on our own level and apply in daily life: Darwin, Socrates, Jesus, Bach, John Muir, Albert Schweitzer and Jane Addams, and Pitirim Sorokin. The biographical profiles are gems that can be read on their own for inspiration and edification. The chapters also map out principles and approaches to growth. Both spiritual and down to earth.
A medida que crecemos, la verdad, la belleza y la bondad guían cada vez más nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos y actos. Nuestros guías son Darwin, Sócrates, Jesús, Bach y otros pioneros de talla mundial, cuyos puntos fuertes e ideas avanzadas pueden inspirarle a desarrollar un carácter resiliente y virtuoso. Aderezado con la experiencia del autor, que ha llevado a miles de estudiantes a proyectos experienciales, Vivir en verdad, belleza y bondad contiene todos los ingredientes esenciales que le ayudarán a desarrollar su propia filosofía personal. Unos traductores excepcionales han hecho posible que los lectores de habla hispana hagan aportaciones únicas a esta emergente filosofía del vivir.