You decide to get a better handle on your life. You need to simplify, slow down, and get in touch with your intuition of basic reality—matter, mind, and spirit. You have moved in this direction in the past, but today is beckoning you to make a commitment. You know that when things get hectic, what …
Chauffeuring the spirit
[Want the 6-minute audiofile?] Beauty is, first and foremost, a quality of divinity, which we experience in the presence of the God whose spirit abides within us. When we are fogged in the dim realms of mind, and even the dim realms of soul, the borderland of spirit consciousness is always …
Getting to Square One
Parcheesi board When an environment becomes more hostile, people may react by becoming more aggressive or more passive. Or they may choose the way of love. Love is square one. And today’s talk is “Getting to square one.” Henry: Safe? Please help me understand what you mean. Chris: Safe …
Family and Character
Wanna become like God? It is likely that you will find a joyously abundant treasure trove of relevant lessons by looking back on the struggles of growing up, romantic adventures, marriage and child-rearing, caring for aging parents, and present relationships with immediate family and extended …
The Easy Version
Let’s Help Construct a New Philosophy of Living—and Grow How would you express your current philosophy of living? Would you like to develop it further? Here’s an opportunity to do so based on the idea that thinking aspires to truth, feeling responds to beauty, and doing can be governed by …
Prayer between Worship and Service
The podcast episode is simpler. Recently I have been praying for the extension of the kingdom of God, the family of God, and inviting others to do so. After a while, my prayer was so filled with cosmic meaning and divine assurance that again and again it …