Today's earlier post comprises two chapters, taking us into the new year. …
Character growth and Finding God’s will
6 Developing righteous character Scientific realism keeps our feet on the ground, reduces the risk of religious fanaticism, and bolsters sanity, which the planet needs more of. Spiritual idealism, living faith, energizes the child of God in growing up to be like our divine Parent. High ideals …
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5. Jesus’ scientific knowledge
This is the third in a series of posts promoting a new book: Jesus and His Surprising Gospel: The Son of Man and the Son of God. Many factors help shape us: our genes, our biological and social environment, early childhood experience, and …
The kingdom of God within you
4 The kingdom of God within you When the world seems crazy and life feels hectic, there is a divine alternative—to live in a way that is increasingly centered in what countless persons have discovered. I often call it “the wonderfulness within”; this is an idea that is attractive to many …
Jesus and his surprising gospel. The first three chapters
Jesus and His Surprising Gospel The Son of Man and the Son of God December 6, 2024 This book is anonymous. If you know the name of the author, please do not disclose it. This publication is open-source. The intention is to give all readers permission to modify and use this text as …
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With all our strength
I've been on a quest to live--and write about--loving God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Yesterday I sent to my editor friend a revised section on strength. She discovered weaknesses in it. It didn't take long for me to realize (this is a pattern) that she had uncovered a fresh, hungry …