Two things. First a report of my experience at Wrayco this morning. Next, a reflection on the reports I heard about the marches last Sunday in Washington and Cleveland.
This morning at Wrayco, the plant near my home that is closing, I applauded and greeted to those who were going into the building, thanking them for all their good work. My main message: Everything good that we do benefits everyone else. There’s a ripple effect. The message was very well received.
Seeing some of them for the third time, I realized that I’m not just bonding with them; they are bonding with us, too (me and Mahtab, who joined me last time). Meeting the plant manager for the first time, he identified me before I spoke: “You’re the guy that has been blogging about us. The guys have been talking about you.” He told me that, in his entire career, he had never before worked with a group with such a high level of talent and work ethic. I met a guy from Memphis who had come up to learn how to do the things that these skilled craftsmen have been doing; and he remarked on how nice the workers here had been in helping them during the last couple weeks to learn their jobs, as work being done at the plant up here, will be transferred to where he works in Memphis.
The ripple effect of good work is an application of my newly realized philosophy of the cosmos as a living organism.
Here’s the second story. Yesterday I heard a friend tell me of having his life changed by going to Washington, D.C., to be part of the march on Sunday, January 21 (2017). It was affirmative, embracing of humanity, loving, and on a higher plane than hostility, contempt, and antagonism. Vast numbers of people flowing in the momentum of these values and commitments gave to my friend the experience of what I see as the living organism of spirit-led humanity. Another friend reported hearing a story of the same quality of unity in values and attitudes in Cleveland.
A fine-grained report by a team of journalists would portray a more complex phenomenon in the Women’s March on Washington. But such reporting may fail to recognize the core spiritual significance of what happened. I have heard enough to be convinced that the Spirit of God was powerfully at work. People experienced spiritual unity, a unity not predicated on intellectual uniformity, not predicated on partisan political attitudes or the enmity of the culture wars. The spiritual affirmation of our common humanity embraced people of every perspective.
To whatever extent the reports that I heard are correct, these gatherings last Sunday represent the number one essential in our present situation. History in our time is a competition between the forces of hate and division and the forces of love and unity. Clear, realistic, courageous, and insightful thinking about social, economic, and political questions is urgently needed, but such thinking has no chance to become effective if we allow high values and spiritual unity to be lost in the din of conflict. A moral and spiritual renaissance will one day make it possible for us to deal with such questions with greatly enhanced effectiveness. And I began to believe in the possibility of a spiritual renaissance emerging in our time in continuity with the phenomena that I heard about yesterday.
After hearing these wonderful reports about Washington, Cleveland, and elsewhere, upon returning home, I feel into anxiety about the prospect of our keeping the momentum going. Anxiety represents loss of the essential communion. So my lesson is to trust, to find again and again, as often as is needed, that Presence within, kindling anew in me the fires of the spiritual family of God.
When I need to re-center, my favorite verse: “Be still and know that I am God.” On that basis, I can work for this emerging spiritual unity without being driven, can mobilize my energies while abiding in calm and poise. I missed the events on Sunday, but the unity, the living organism of spirit-led humanity, is a reality pre-dates the march and does not vanish when the march is over, waiting in abeyance until the next spirit-led march. The reality of the family of God lives in our supreme commitment to the will and way of God. The all-inclusive love and mercy of the Father in heaven is available within each one of us. When we abide in that conviction and experience, our work for planetary progress retains the spiritual quality which alone gives cosmic leverage.
When work is that truly good, the ripple effects multiply.
Dear Jeff,
So grateful that you are sharing your deep spiritual journey and working at developing a universal family of love and goodness!! In the end this is what the Father truly wants! Stay the path, my Friend!
Kind of you to say, so, Judy.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Thank you, those are comforting, reassuring words. I am indeed exceedingly anxious about the negative philosophical turn of this nation and, both Britain and France, to just name two developed nations who should displaying the experiential wisdom to provide this planet with satisfying quality leadership. These are uncertain times; and on the face of it we seem to be retrogressing in our political philosophy and denying our common humanity. But I guess it will take fortitude and courage to progress through these troubling difficulties even though as I am very much disheartened by the actions of the present emerging world leadership.
If I spend much time consuming secular media and the litany of disappointing current events, I would become disheartened, too, Marc. My recipe is to take in the news a couple times a week using what I regard as reliable sources (at least in some critical respects). I try to maintain a preponderance of truth and beauty in consciousness and goodness in action. I feel a call to try to help others (who are also helping me!) not to get submerged in the unwelcome aspects of unfolding developments. I refuse to fight with the weapons of anger and contempt. Thank you again, Marc, for your comment.
Hi Jeff,
I remember studying Thomas Aquinas juxtaposed to Aristotle, in the early 1990’s with you. Evert positive action has a positive ripple effect, just as every negative action has a ripple effect into the negative… ugliness.
“Be Still And Know That I Am God.” is always very calming to me. Always God listens and answers and all that He tells us in silence is uplifting, good or it also can be protective if we take heed!
Another quote from The Bible, that I find brings me great joy is:
And may you have the power to understand… how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love really is…. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:18-19
Yes, indeed, Paula. Thanks for the added quote, and for your recognition that evil has consequences, too.
100,000 protesters in Oakland against repealing ACA, some Sierra club folks protesting threats to EPA, a sign protesting the bombing in Gaza, one woman’s sign featured a Thomas Jefferson quote–creative signage abounded. There were many protests about threats to marriage inequality, much support for Planned Parenthood, Black Lives Matter, almost every cause you can think of had supporters in the parade, many more men than you would have expected often wearing pussy hats. It was an amazing experience and not a note of violence or rudeness. People apologized for bumping into you and used it as an opportunity to have a short conversation. Love everywhere … I’m not kidding! You’re right, the Spirit of God was at work.
A fascinating variation on the theme! Thanks, Dave, for sharing.
Dearest Jeff,
You shared:
“After hearing these wonderful reports about Washington, Cleveland, and elsewhere, upon returning home, I feel into anxiety about the prospect of our keeping the momentum going. Anxiety represents loss of the essential communion. So my lesson is to trust, to find again and again, as often as is needed, that Presence within, kindling anew in me the fires of the spiritual family of God.”
Please know that it is most helpful for me to count you kindred even in our times of anxiety and doubt. To recognize and name these feelings empowers us to use them as our guides toward greater strength, wisdom and divine communion. Yes, again and again. Thank you for your presence that ever reminds of Presence everywhere.
Jeff, I applaud you responding to the spiritual call within to use the time you have left on earth to moving the family of God one step closer to its full realization by all. Such an unselfish use of your time surely reaches the celestial court. One thing is for certain, your sincerity of actualizing the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man is not in question.
If more of the Father’s children would respond to the compelling call by saying, “Here I am Lord, send me!”, we would see some sustained progress. You are truly blessed to have heard and responded to the call deep down in your soul.
Surely your ministry has the ripple effect, causing remote effects. You remain in my prayers.
Dr. Perry