Here’s the short paper by Nicole Stark that inspired this podcast episode.
My concepr for this paper is living as if the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, as Jesus preached. This concept builds on the concept of the universal family that we worked on last semester. It also deals with one of my main concerns about religion in the present time: the dis-connect with God/the spirit that dwells within us. Hopefully, by living this way, I will gain a deeper insight into not only my own spiritual needs, but give me a greater understanding of God.
How does one go about living in this manner? Honestly, I am not sure, but I have my ideas. The groundwork was laid in the universal family project from last semester. Treating people as a sibling reflects upon the golden rule in a way. However, this is not the only part of the Kingdom of Heaven. I believe the most important aspect, at least for me, is self-respect. You should have respect for the spirit/soul that dwells within the body. We should not berate ourselves for our wrongs, but ask for forgiveness. More importantly, we should not make ourselves feel inferior, because we deserve to be respected by ourselves because of the spirit that we have. This does not mean that we should be boastful or proud. Humility is very important to living the Kingdom of Heaven. Self-respect and humility can live together harmoniously, but neither one can become too extreme. It would throw off the balance of the spirit.
I do not know how well this concept is going to work out. I had been struggling with a topic. Nothing seemed to to quite hit a chord in me. Then you assigned this paper, and I do not know if it was the time table or just the right time to come to a concept. Unfortunately, it did come right in the middle of class. I was afraid to close off the floodgate that had opened, so I wrote. I hope that you will forgive this indiscretion. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions that you have on this topic, or if you think it is worthwhile.
The light went on,
So bright.
It burned brightly
For only a few minutes.
The light became too bright,
And burned itself out.
The lightbulb burst,
Sending glass shards everywhere.
My idea
That burned so brightly
Is gone.
Now I sit,
Trying to pick up the fragments
And put my idea back together.
In response to Nicole, who was distressed over the bursting of the light, I encouraged her in affirming the spiritual quality of her experience. But now I have a bit that I would add here.
Revelations of divine truth and love cannot last at the maximum level, or else we would not be able to function in the life we have been given.
But once the experience has passed, the truth of the presence of the spirit of God within remains is just as true now as then. And the infinite love of God continues to indwell, pervade, and surround us, regardless of the rise and fall of human awareness of this love.
Sharing your experience with others can also give them a chance to believe, even believe wholeheartedly, to have faith in the truth of the spirit’s indwelling and the reality of the beautiful love that expressed itself in the gift of that spiritual experience.
Beautiful! I’m glad she shared it with you and therefore us, your readers. I hope (believe) that she went on to integrate this personal revelation into her daily living.
Beautiful! I’m glad she shared it with you and therefore us, your readers. I hope (believe) that she went on to integrate this personal revelation into her daily living.