Simple beginnings, quiet rivulets joining a mighty river, each drop with its uncertain path, as the river flows forward in the unstoppable field of gravity, spirit gravity.
In a Budapest workshop two weeks ago, an informal group was mobilized for spiritual solidarity in the gospel movement. The premise was that all believers should pray sincerely for the extension of the kingdom of heaven, that all of us are called to participate in that movement, and that we get stronger by uniting for mutual support in that venture.
A week ago, group began with the goal of growing in the ability to bring together scientific living and spiritual living and in this way to bring forth the beautiful wholeness of righteousness.
To support both of these new initiatives, I announce today another beginning, a podcast titled “Universal Family,” just launched on iTunes. Here’s the link:
If you would like to support this movement by downloading, rating, and reviewing the podcast, iTunes has made it easy. Here’s a brief how-to video:
Of course I’d be grateful for your feedback about the podcast, too.
Most of all, thank you for all you do to help a struggling planet find a new and enduring foundation for civilization. Whoever recognizes the fact of the universal family can find the Universal Father, and whoever finds the Universal Father finds love, friendship, mercy, total personality activation, energy, wisdom, insight, creative inspiration, guidance, peace, and the true center present within. Appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, he holds the whole world in his strong, wise, and loving hands.
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Thank you Jeffrey for your labors. This is a most timely contribution to progressive planetary evolution and a salve to promote world-wide mental health. In the spirit of the best of missionaries I hope the rest of us will be enabling practitioners of Jesus’ living gospel.